There is my dancing girl again. You move and I'll provide the beat. Tik and Tok. And Tik, Tik, Tok. Tik, Tok, Tok.

Thank you girl, it was a was a nice party. Catch you later.

I can't go any faster. I see that you are in a hurry.
Stop pushing me! Want me to turn green to quick?!
I'm like the Hulk! Get me mad and I'll end you.
Ha ha! You got scared huh?! Yeah go, get hit by a truck. Anywhere your filthy fingers won't be near me.

Green. Anyone can pass.

Well bonjorno lil' lady.
You smell amazing, I love the red nails. You can push me all you want. I'll keep you just a bit longer.

I have to turn green now. Not my choice, for you I would stop all traffic.

I decide the motion. Without ME there would be chaos. I'm Important. I'm the system that keeps your heart beating. Be grateful.

GREEN. Go on.

- A macho traffic stop